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  Formerly Office Quest

Bright Castle

Assisting those in Glen Ellyn

and the surrounding villages


To give you an accurate estimate of the cost and time needed to provide the services you would like, I need to understand the full scope and complexity of your situation.  In an attempt to be as accurate as possible, I am asking that you provide some information regarding the specific types of services you desire.  Please check any of the types of services you are interested in, and complete the information below it to the best of your ability. 


Thank you for considering us to help serve your needs.

Many of our services require that together we enter into a legal fiduciary agreement, otherwise I will be prohibited from acting on your behalf with any outside entities.  Typically this is done using a Durable Power of Attorney where the exact actions covered are explicitly stated.

 © 2017 by Bright Castle Proudly created with
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